"Mediation's Impact on A/B Testing in Web & Mobile"

Mediation and its Impact on A/B Testing in Web and Mobile

Term Description Impact on A/B Testing
Mediation A process where a third-party platform is used to manage and optimize ad inventory from multiple ad networks. Mediation can impact A/B testing by affecting the ad network selection and ad delivery process. It can also impact the accuracy of A/B testing results if the mediation platform is not properly configured.
A/B Testing A method of comparing two versions of a web page or mobile app to determine which one performs better. Mediation can impact A/B testing by affecting the ad delivery process and potentially skewing the results. For example, if the mediation platform is not properly configured, it may deliver different ads to different users, making it difficult to accurately compare the performance of the two versions being tested.
Web A platform for accessing information and services over the internet using a web browser. Mediation can impact A/B testing on the web by affecting the ad delivery process and potentially skewing the results. It can also impact the user experience if ads are not properly optimized or if they negatively impact page load times.
Mobile A platform for accessing information and services using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. Mediation can impact A/B testing on mobile by affecting the ad delivery process and potentially skewing the results. It can also impact the user experience if ads are not properly optimized or if they negatively impact app performance or battery life.